Crazy Caption Contest

From: Atharv, Primary 6, Mayflower Primary School
The tabby cat pictured is having its signature sinister laugh after learning about the “MICE” (meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions) events to be hosted in Singapore ahead of the Formula 1 race.

From: Shaunn, Pri 3, Catholic High School (Pri)
I think the cat is smiling because it is wondering why humans do not have a coat of fur on them. As a human, even I think about why other mammals look so different from us.

From: Antony, Pri 5, Fuchun Primary School
I think that the cat is laughing because of this joke: “What do you call a pile of cats? A meow-tain (Get it? Meow-tain = Mountain)

From: Zhi Shen, Pri 3, Catholic High School (Pri)
I think that the cat is laughing because it thought of a funny joke. I think the joke is, “Why did the cat sit at the computer? It was watching the mouse!” Is that not hilarious?

From: Vivian, Pri 5, Nanyang Primary school
I chewed up your socks,
as well as your rubber crocs.
I puked on your carpet.
Why are you looking so sad?
I clawed up your curtains.
I also made certain
that you prepared my favourite dish
with a tasty side of fish
and a sprinkle of catnip
with a bowl of milk to sip
You can play with me with a ray of light.
Isn’t it such an adorable sight?
I keep you warm and safe throughout the night.
I am a good kitty.