Creating My World

From: Alicia, Pri 6, Greendale Primary School

Having the ability to create anything, I’d create a portal. When we enter it, we’ll teleport into whichever storyline of a book we want and listen to any character’s thoughts. This creation would be wonderful because if my school had that portal, we could use it to empathise with characters from both sides of the story more deeply.

For example, when we can listen to the protagonists’ thoughts, we can understand their intentions better. Besides this reason, we can understand the antagonists’ emotions too. Antagonists are usually disliked because they make it more difficult for the protagonists to achieve their goals. However, everything that is done has reasons, indicating that even the antagonists have their own goals.

This portal can help us understand things from both sides of the story, letting us come to realise that the villain in everyone’s story is different. So, we shan’t criticise others and our mentality can change from “Just do what I say” to “I understand, perhaps we can find another solution that suits both of our likings”.