Five Giant Steps

From: Varshana, Pri 5, Woodlands Primary School

If I were a billionaire with lots of power, goodwill, and support from the locals in Indonesia, I would take the following five big steps to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia:

1.    I would produce a music video by rallying the locals’ favourite actors, singers, or other celebrities and getting them to perform a song or cheer, reminding people to stay at home as far as possible, or wear a mask outdoors and practice social distancing, etc. The music video would be aired on television/ radio, much like how we have Phua Chu Kang in Singapore raising awareness of Safe Management Measures (SMM) and assuring us that the vaccine is safe. As many people like to copy their role models, this would be a good way to encourage the locals to keep safe.

 2.    I would come up with an education campaign for children to be aware of COVID-9 and learn steps on how to prevent themselves from getting infected. This is so that even if adults do not want to follow the SMM, the children are well-informed about how to protect themselves.

3.    I would buy and distribute board games to all the children to encourage them to stay home and also distribute masks to the children so that they all have masks to wear in case they do need to go outdoors.

4.    I would sponsor and distribute food and grocery delivery coupons to all families so that people would be able to stay at home as much as possible and they would only need to go out for essential work.

5.    I would sponsor the purchase of thermometers and COVID-19 test kits which will be distributed to everyone in Indonesia so that adults and children can test themselves if they have any symptoms of the virus and thus ensure that they do not go out and unknowingly spread the virus to others. 

Name: Eunice, Pri 5, CHIJ Our Lady of the Nativity

If I were a billionaire with lots of power, goodwill, and support from the local people there, the five giant steps that I would take to fight the pandemic are:

1) Provide masks to the poor

2) Donate money to build more hospitals

3) Donate money to buy oxygen tanks

4) Encourage others to be vaccinated by setting aside some money to create an advertisement

5)  Remind others to be socially responsible by asking people to volunteer to be an ambassador and putting up posters. For example, when an ambassador sees someone talking without their mask on, they will ask the person to put their mask on before talking. As for the posters, when someone sees them, they will know whether what they are doing is right or wrong.

From: Lucas, Pri 5, Sembawang Primary school

If I were a billionaire, I would buy 270 million vaccines for the citizens of Indonesia and ask the president to implement a higher amount of safety by not going out. I will also ask him to give out free sanitary equipment and make sure people who live in slums have at least enough space to distance themselves. I will also send them ventilators and other medical equipment. Last but not least, I would appoint someone from every city of Indonesia to disinfect everything outside.

From: Xun Hui, Sec 2, Hougang Secondary School

If I were a billionaire with lots of power, goodwill, and support from the people in Indonesia, the first of the five big steps I would take to fight the pandemic in Indonesia would be announcing a full lockdown. Full lockdowns cause unemployment. Hence, I would offer handouts to affected citizens and residents. The second big step I would take would be increasing the rate of vaccination in the country. The vaccination has to reach out to all residents and citizens, rich or poor, and regardless of race. The third big step would be tackling the overwhelmed hospitals in the country. I would donate enough beds besides medical equipment like oxygen tanks, oxygen cylinders, and ultrasound machines, just to name a few. These first three big steps require a lot of money that only a billionaire like me can buy. With the goodwill I have, I will get many teams of ambassadors to run a good contact tracing system across the many islands the country has. Lastly, with support from the local people, whatever I say, they would listen. If I advise them to stay home as much as they can and wear masks whenever they go out, they will heed my advice. With these five steps, I believe that the pandemic in Indonesia will be in good control.