From: Karl, Pri 3, Catholic High School (Primary)
Whales face many dangers at sea. White Beak could be facing threats such as ocean pollution. The ocean that White Beak live in could be polluted, where plastic blocks its breathing passage and stomach. Both marine debris and invisible toxins are also harmful. Noise pollution can directly harm whales by damaging their hearing and causing internal bleeding and death too. Being entangled in fishing gear or nets could be one of the greatest threats to White Beak.
If I were part of a whale-watching group, I would be determined to help Rio and Marina find White Beak so that Rio’s mother would be happy again. I will hop onto Marina’s father boat together with Rio and Marina to hunt for White Beak. I will also help to clean up the ocean by using a net to pick up litter in the ocean.
Lastly, safety is important. I will get a few adults who are good swimmers to join us so that they can also help us where required. Everyone needs to put on a safety vest.