From: Mia, Pri 6, Methodist Girls’ School
If I were part of a whale-watching group and intent on helping Rio and Marina find White Beak, the first thing I would do is to take a calm approach to this situation and not rush into action. It is dangerous to immediately set sail to find White Beak as when you are in a rush, you tend to forget to bring something along.
I would say searching the database and finding out where White Beak was last seen is the most important step and the key to finding where White Beak is. After confirming where White Beak was last seen, Rio and Marina can set sail in search of White Beak. It is important to bring a pair of binoculars along to easily spot White Beak. It is good to assign roles to each person to keep tasks organised and problem-free. One person can control the boat, and the other can search for White Beak.
However, while this search is important, it is possible to wander too far and get lost in the deep blue sea. Staying on track is another key to finding White Beak.
While we can use all these tips to help find White Beak, the last tip I have is to stay realistic. It is definitely possible for the whale to get entangled in old fishing nets or be hunted down. Marina and Rio should be ready to accept that White Beak may truly be missing and turn back. They should not get lost in the possibilities of “what ifs”.