If I Were Bell

From: Aarti, Pri 6, Seng Kang Primary School

I would ask the other settlements for help but if that backfired I would try to find a cure for the illness. I am a child but that does not mean that I cannot do this task. First, I would find the reason for the illness. The book review said that only the adults grew the algae and only the adults got the illness so there could have been a problem with the algae. If there was nothing wrong with the algae I would try to find the thing that started the problem. For COVID-19, scientists had experimented on the virus. So, I will experiment on the cause of the problem. Then, I would start to find how to stop the illness and how to cure it even if it means going to Earth to find something there that would stop the illness. I would conquer my fears to do it. This is what I would have done if I were Bell. I know it sounds far-fetched, but it is worth a shot.