From: Isabella, Pri 1, Marymount Convent School
I think Bird should not care too much about her classmate’s opinion. As the saying goes, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” As long as Bird keeps being hygienic and neat, she is pretty in her unique way. Similarly, everyone is uniquely intelligent.
Since Bird has high mechanical intelligence and is good at science, I think she should focus more on nurturing her passion and strength. When one strives to be more intelligent, not more so than others, but than her previous self, one will grow wiser. Most smart and wise girls I have known or read about, such as Ada Lovelace, radiate inner beauty, from the way they smile, talk to, and treat others.
If Bird wishes to be pretty, her adept fingers could also help to beautify herself externally by learning how to do facial make-up and hairstyling from the experts. But, it is more important to be beautiful internally. Smart girls tend to learn faster, so Bird can eventually be both smart and pretty too, as long as she prioritises nurturing her strength and wisdom.