Maria Hertogh stories

Thirteen-year-old Maria (centre) was caught in a court battle between her birth mother Adeline Hertogh (right) and her adoptive mother Aminah Mohamed (left).
The Maria Hertogh riots took place more than 70 years ago in Singapore.
Yet, we are still trying to understand what happened. This series helps you to learn about the child Maria Hertogh and how the quarrel between two mothers led to the court case that triggered riots. Read these stories for the many lessons they offer.
Regardless of Race

“Regardless of race”. You know these three words well. They are part of our nation’s Pledge. As Singaporeans, we promise to be one united people, even though we are made up of different races. In 2017, Singapore pledged to follow ICERD, an international agreement to fight against unfair treatment of different races. Do your part. Start by reading our stories.
Stories of Casual Racism

Many of us have friends of different races. When we do not tune in to their feelings, we may do or say things that hurt them without meaning to. We call that casual racism, or everyday racism. To learn more about casual racism, read these stories.
Win a Book in our Contest
What’s Up has teamed up with Times Reads to bring you an interesting book each month. Every story will deal with a value that you learn in your Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) class. Visit our Contest page.
Contest: National Day Contest
Contest winners here.
Contest: About green humour
Contest winners here.
Contest: What will your life be like in 20 years?
Contest winners here.
Contest: A Tale Full of Bells
Contest winners here.
Crazy Caption Contest
Contest winners here.
Contest: Travel Plans
Contest winners here.
Contest: Name a School Bus
Contest winners here.
Contest: Art Speaks To Me
Contest winners here.
Contest: Shout Outs For Great News!
Contest winners here.
Contest: Emoji Speak
Contest winners here.
Contest: Five Giant Steps
Contest winners here.
Contest: Hidden Heroes
Contest winners here.
Contest: Crazy Caption
Contest winners here.
Contest: A Care Parcel
Contest winners here.
Contest: A Walk to Nowhere
Take a walk to nowhere. Make it a tree bath! Then, write an essay about it. More contest details here.
Growing up with English
Adults who need good English in their work tell us about their journeys with the language. Read their stories.
Art to Heart with Linda Yew
Meet Artist Linda Yew, whose beautiful water colour paintings and inspiring quotations appear in every issue of What’s Up. Visit the page.